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Last Updated:
8/10/2024 1:06 PM


Animal Success Stories

We love to hear how things are going with your Happy Tails 'happy tail' so please, take a few minutes to jot us a note and we will post it here.  Send your story to happy@tailsrescue.org.

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Maggie (Tiki) is wonderful! She knows her name and comes when you call her!! Potty training is going GREAT. She loves playing with the boys (cats). Ramsey loves to play with her but only when he is up to it, when Maggie tries to play with him when he isn't in the mood he jumps to higher ground. Hal on the other hand will roll around with her, they all love to chase each other around the house too (and don't worry both cats are declawed in all 4 paws)!! Maggie came with us to meet our goods friends and their 2 labs (Magnum and Daisy) and oh my goodness did they play and play and play she was sleeping in the car 2 minutes after we started driving home and slept through the whole night, we decided we will have to have play dates for them! She has grown some, she actually out grow her first jacket!! I will have to send you some pics once I get them up loaded on our computer. Brittany (added 12/17/08


We've had Tina for 1 week now, and she's doing great. I took her to the vet today to get checked out (they loved her too!) and she's gained 1/2 pound. She's getting along well with Abby & Scout also. The first few days she would only follow me around & sit on my lap. Although she still likes to lay on my lap, she's now hanging more with the other two. They sleep together on the couch and chase each other all over the back yard. She sleeps on the bed. I have been leaving her loose in the house when I've run out, and she's been fine both alone when I took the redheads to the dog park & with the others when I've run errands. It's been about 1-1/2 to 2 hours with no problems. Tonight I have training with Scout so she'll be alone with Abby. She also has not had any accidents in the house. She is such a good girl, and so smart! We are so glad we found her. Julie & Jon, Abby, Scout & Tina :-) (posted 9/21/08)

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