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Last Updated:
8/10/2024 1:06 PM


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Lucy - Chihuahua
Lucy - Chihuahua

I adopted Lucy at the beginning of May '09, and I've never been happier. Honestly, we are pretty much a perfect match for each other. She loves to get as much love and attention as she can and I love to give it to her. She is the goofiest little thing and I love spending every minute with her. I am so thankful that I was able to find her and adopt her. Lucy seems to love it here. She has the reign of the house and gets all the hugs and kisses she could possibly need. Adopting her is one of the best decisions I've ever made! Thank you so much for giving me my Lucy. Brittany G.


Well, we (Thelma and I) are at our forever home. Mom has other furry kids to keep us company. Cody, the rabbit, is way cool! She was the first one we met. It took the cats a little while to get used to having us around. Ciara and Conor came out to meet us the first day, but it took Claire a few days to come out from under Mom's bed--but now we all get along just fine! OMG--we love Mom's bay window!!! We can lay in the sun and get our beauty rest--that is when we're not busy watching all the squirrels and birds at Mom's bird feeders. We swear--those squirrels love to torment us--jumping from the bird feeders to Mom's trumpet vines on the house. She keeps telling us the squirrels just climb up onto the roof, but we think they somehow get into the house... But we've been good--our howl/bark only lasts about 10 seconds. We love our walks! There are soooo many neat smells and other dogs in this neighborhood! Mom keeps us on our leashes even in our backyard. The neighbor kids love to play with us but Mom doesn't want us to get caught under the chain link fence. Oh, and the wild backyard bunnies live under Mom's deck and behind her garden shed--we can smell them--she knows we want to chase them, but she says we all have to learn to get along. We've only been on one car ride so far. She took us to see her vet for our free rescue adoption checkup. Mom was very impressed by how calm we are. She had to lift us up into her SUV but we settled down in the front passenger seat and cuddled together for the ride. Those vet people are all very nice! They took our photos for our records. The vet, who also fosters animals for rescue groups, got kisses from us--and she told Mom we'd make wonderful therapy dogs. They all congratulated Mom for adopting both of us--and talked about her previous dog pair, Simon & Schuster. We never barked once the whole time we were there. We even met another cute little dog who is part beagle, part pug. Oh, and all our health issues have been resolved (Louise's bladder infection and Thelma's ear infection), and Mom started us on our Heartgard. We are still learning about where it's appropriate for us to go potty, but Mom says given all we've been through in the past few months we are doing pretty good. On our walks we get so excited by all the smells we sometimes forget what we're supposed to do, but we're learning pretty fast. She won't let us have the run of the house at night or when she's gone--not until we're totally potty trained. We have our own bedroom. One large kennel is in there, where Thelma likes to sleep, and one bed that Lousie can jump up on and where she prefers to sleep. Sometimes during the day Mom goes in there with us, lifts Thelma on the bed, too--and we all take a nap together. So, we just wanted to let you know we really love it here. And we want to thank each and everyone of you, especially our foster mom Sara, for taking such good care of us, and loving us until we could come home, here with Mom and Cody, Ciara, Claire and Conor, to our forever home. Howl/barks, kisses and happy tails, Thelma and Louise {^..^} {^..^} (posted 4/6/09)


Lola came to share my house and heart middle of summer. She changes every day. She had some things to get through, but she is the best ever! Diana (posted 3/13/09)


Little Miss Lucy is doing very very well. She has formed a strong bond with my older cat and seems to get herself into more and more trouble every day. Here favorite new game is pulling crumpled receipts out of the garbage cans around the house and stashing them under the beds! (posted 3/11/09)


Libby is doing teriffic! She has been very good everyday - no accidents while we are away at work/school and none at night and she scratches at the door when she has to go out. She is sleeping through the night and we haven't heard her so much as a wimper. The girls are very excited to get home to her every night and wake up to her every morning. She has really taken to her herding instincts and get us all to follow her until we are all into one room before she will lay down. It is really quite funny. Yesterday she really started playing a lot and last night decided to chase our girls in the loop that goes from our living room, through our dining room, kitchen and back again. They all had a blast! It has truly been a seamless transistion to our family as well. She fit right in immediately it seems like she has always been here. Thank you so much for the opporunity to work with your organization and to add our newest addition. We are enjoying her very much!

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