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Last Updated:
8/10/2024 1:06 PM


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I adopted Halo in August 2009. I was so excited as I had cats growing up, but my living situation didn’t allow for that until now. Halo has a tone of personality and is a total drama queen. When I return home from work she chews me out for about 10 mins then lays in my lap and purrs. She is spoiled rotten which is necessary. Her favorite thing is wet cat food which she eats while I eat my dinner. I have gotten her used to baths, nail clipping, teeth and hair brushing and yes she wears clothes. For Halloween she was a little devil and all the kids loved it. She has two best friends My friends two pups Stewy and Tater you would think she was a dog when they come over. The apartment where I live offers you grocery carts to make it easier to well bring your groceries in, I use these when I am doing a lot of laundry Halo likes to ride in the child seat and go with me. We also spend a lot of time on the deck so she can kill flies and watch the kids play. She is so silly and I just love her. Once I move to a bigger place I hope to get her some brothers and sisters in either Pup or Cat form. Thank you Happy Tails for taking care of my baby for me until she could come home.


We adopted Harry Potter on Saturday (6/13/09) and he is doing great! I thought it would take a long time for him and our dog to get along, but to my surprise it did not! This picture was taken Sunday night. On Saturday night I had Harry and our dog Sophie in bed with me all night. I am happy to say that Harry has settled in and made himself right at home. Thank you we just love him! (posted 6/15/09)


Hello to everyone at Happy Tails! Peach & Herb are doing great since we adopted them in July ('08). They are about 7 months old now and are still having a blast together. We love having them as a part of our family and they keep us busy since they are still frisky kittens. They snuggle together all day and wrestle together and chase each other all night! We love their unique personalities – Herb is a shy, loving guy that loves sleeping bundled under the covers. He meows for Peach if he can’t see where she is and doesn’t like being without her. Peach is an adventurous little lady with a spunky attitude. She explores anything new, loves people and purrs like a motorboat. We are so happy they came to our home together, since they really make a great duo and love each other so much. The only trouble we have is keeping up with them! Thanks to everyone who helped care for them during their time at Happy Tails, especially their awesome foster moms Michelle and Colleen in St. Paul. Thanks again. Kasey (posted 1/2/09)


Dear Happy Tails, I just wanted to thank you so much for the opportunity to adopt the most wonderful cat in the whole world! I never thought a cat could make me and my family feel so complete! Let me start off by saying that I wasn't looking for a cat to add to our family, but my husband and I made a trip to PetSmart one weekend to get some dog toys for a friend and we found our way over to the adoption room. As soon as I saw "Hoover" (now Bulo) it was love at first sight. All of the other cats were meowing and pawing for attention and here he was just laying there but as soon as I saw him, I knew. We spent about two hours in the adoption room petting him through the bars but never one to rush into a decision lightly I decided to go home and think about it and discuss it more. I whispered to him that I would be back, I just knew it! My heart hurt all night worrying that someone else had taken my special guy home with them and that morning my husband and I rushed out of the house and waited outside of PetSmart until they unlocked the doors. As soon as he saw me he jumped down and went to the door of the cage. He knew! I am grateful to his foster family for taking such amazing care of him and even more grateful to your rescue for bringing him into my life. He is the most loving, amazing, zen cat in the world! He's also quite playful - especially with the laser pointer, and quite talkative as well! We have many conversations about politics, books, cooking and how much he hates baths. I just wanted you to know that he went to a wonderful home that appreciates and loves him daily and that he is getting the best of care. My husband and I both feel like we would be lost without him and we find that most of our conversations are about him or involve him somehow. He has really become our child and that is something I never thought possible. Thank you for him! Much Love and wet kitty kisses from Bulo, Amynda & Duane ps. We decided on Bulo as a name because he's quite the pushy guy, when he wants love or attention or anything he just barges over and takes it. So... he's very bull like (he even snorts when he's frustrated). Also, in my mothers native language, bulo is a slang word for "cool." (Added 12/17/08)


Wow, time flies. We have had our Harley Bear now for 6 whole months and he has really grown up! He has been an excellent pup and is definitely a people pleaser. While it took my husband and I some time to get used to having a quickly growing dog always at our heels, our kids fell in love immediately. And Harley instantly returned the love. He loves to give kisses and instinctively knows to be gentle with the kids. He has even replaced mom and dad with healing all scrapes and bruises with his kisses. It was instantly clear that this dog was meant to be with kids. Not only does he tolerate, but seems to enjoy anything that a small child can dish out. We are continually struggling with him in the early morning hours. He tends to wake up between 4 and 5 every morning and has the hardest time not waking up one of the kids to cuddle and play. He knows he's not supposed to give us kisses or nudge us when we are asleep, but that is not easy for a puppy. So, he paces from bed to bed just waiting for someone to make a move. Harley has brought us a lot of joy so far. Hard to believe that such a large dog could be such a cuddler, but he is definitely a lap dog and just thrives on our love and attention. The kids love to hear the story of the day we brought him home and of his sister and brothers. The Andersons (5/2/08)

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