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Last Updated:
8/10/2024 1:06 PM


Animal Success Stories

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Thought we'd send an update on our little Gracie Lou. She is fabulous and she just loves the boys. She plays with Thor's (the big dog) tail. How fun is that?!! Eko loves her too, they are real pals and she plays with him as well. She "hunts" the birds from the bay window. WE LOVE HER!!! Teresa, Tom, Thor, Eko & Gracie Lou:-) (posted 4/6/09)


It's going extremely well! Guido really is a wonderful, friendly, laid-back cat. He's made himself at home in our basement already in less than a day. He fell asleep, all four feet in the air, within a couple of hours of arriving -- sprawled out next to Bryce. And slept in bed next to Bryce and purred for a good part of the night. He's been busy doing "cat-work" all morning. We brought Misha, our Russian Blue kitty, in for a split second to let them each know there was another cat around. Guido's reaction was an unmistakably happy "meow!". Misha is much more shy, but totally non-aggressive, so we're pretty comfortable things will go well once they're property introduced. Can't imagine things turning out any better... Thanks! Mara (Added 12/17/08)


Gabby joined our family on Friday night (10/17/08). At first, she was a little sad because she missed her foster mommy. As the night went on she became more brave and started exploring the house. She went into every room and sniffed everything. Gabby warmed up to me first. She would follow me around the house. She was my doggie shadow. Saturday morning was really cold. We wanted to take both the dogs our for a walk, so we put their coats on to keep them warm and took them out for a nice stroll around the neighborhood. That night while we watched a movie on our basement couch, Gabby fell asleep tucked in a bunch of blankets. (Check out her picture in the Photo Gallery.) When it was time to go to bed, she climbed up the doggie stairs and immediately snuggled with mommy. Buddy, our other miniature dachshund, didn't know what to think of her at first. He would drink water from her bowl, try to eat her food and steal her toys. He warmed up to her pretty fast though and now they play all the time. Their favorite game is steal the toy and run away. During the day, they sleep on the couch together. She sleeps on top of one cushion, while he sleeps on top of the other cushion. Gabby is such a sweetheart. Every morning when she wakes up, she says good morning by licking my face and my husband's face. She's always happy when she wakes up. I often get wacked in the face by her wagging tail. When my husband and I come home from work, she attacks us with her doggie kisses. On Monday, she spent the whole afternoon laying on my husbands lap snoring under a blanket, while my husband was working. She's the sweetest, most affectionate dog and my husband, Buddy and I are all very lucky to have her. The Ludwigs (posted 10/28/08)


Gabby is a real sweetheart and she loves everybody even my dog visitor J. I just love her. Teresa (adopted 2/2008)


I would like to thank everyone that helped Glitter get from where she was to her forever home with me. Glitter is doing splendid, continuing the same eating schedule, only one potty accident, sleeping through the night on my bed, and follows me around the house. She is generous with kisses, calmly sits when I attach the leash, and lap time is definitely her/our favorite. I am enjoying every minute. As you can see in the attached photos Glitter is adapting very well. Thank you, Marlys (2/18/08)

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