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Last Updated:
8/10/2024 1:06 PM


Animal Success Stories

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We adopted Mr. Dickens back in 2008 from Happy Tails Rescue after losing our beloved cat, Angel who was also a himalyan. Dickens was described as a quiet fella when we first adopted him, but not any more! He had adopted his new home quite well and has been living with 4 other kitties and 2 very active 2 and 5 yrs. old! His personality changed 180 degrees too :) Now, he became very vocal and social and loves to follow his mommy around the house to beg for more treats:) ...He just loves to be around all of us! Dickens loves to spend his lazy Summer time by the porch window. Here's a photo of him from last Summer on the porch. He is now almost 15 yrs. old and in very good health. He recently had a full dental work done and is doing great!!! We love our Dickens very much...!


I'll never forget the day Marco (formerly Digger) adopted me. I had lost my 16 year, 9 month old beagle, Geoff, less than two weeks before and was overwhelmed with grief. I went to see some dogs to cheer myself up and all the dogs came over to say "Hi". After a minute or so, they all went to new smells, except one, Digger. He stayed right with me. I'm told at that point he adopted me, and that was fine by me! That afternoon, I took him home to foster him. After some serious thought and meeting a few friends and relatives, we agreed this was going to be the start of a really wonderful relationship! We signed the papers the next day and have been best friends ever since. They say money doesn't buy love, but whoever coined that phrase has never bought a dog! Marco walks me every day for an hour or two depending on the weather. It's good for both of us! We also go to a dog park, he is such a natural at playing with other dogs. He even greets the mail man! I can't thank you and all your wonderful volunteers enough for all the terrific work you do finding new homes for these loving animals. You truly are angels of mercy! I don't know Marco's history or how he came to be up for adoption at 6 months of age, but thanks to you we have each other. Dave (adopted May 2007, posted 1/9/2009)


Dickens, actually Sr. Dickens came to our family in July of this year (08). At the beginning it was hard for him to adjust with our other kitties (as he's 12 yrs. old) and vice versa; and we had to deal with some behavioral issues for awhile. But soon enough Dickens and our other kitties learned to get along better with each-other:) We're delighted to have him as our family member. When we first got him he was described as a quiet guy who minded his own business. But not anymore!! He became a talkative social cat, likes to meow a lot, follows me around the house, and spends his days on the living room couch from where he can observe what's happenning. He demands his treat, american cheese, as soon as I wake up in the morning:) I learned he also likes roast beef deli slices and banana bread too:) If I am busy making dinner and am not giving him enough attention, he stands on his hind feet, leans against me and pats me with his front paws to let me know he needs more attention. We recently gave him a lion cut. He's ohh so cute. It feels like he has been with us forever. (posted 10/16/08)


I adopted Dino who now goes by the name of Dandy. He is getting along beautiful with his roommate, Winfield, who is a Yorkiepoo. They play together during the day and sleep together (with me) at night. Kathleen


After losing our beloved Quigley, I did not believe that I could fall in love so quickly. But, the sweetest little girl came into our hearts on 5/3/08. Dora is very shy, but she lets her presence be known! She looks like a hyena from The Lion King when she meets other dogs. She looked into my eyes and I saw that Quigley had sent her to me. Thank you, ladies, for the great work that you do. You complete families. Nothing says love like a couple muddy paws on your chest and a slobbery kiss good morning. Give me a slobber over minty fresh breath any day! Jill P. and family (posted 7/21/08)

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