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Last Updated:
8/10/2024 1:06 PM


Animal Success Stories

We love to hear how things are going with your Happy Tails 'happy tail' so please, take a few minutes to jot us a note and we will post it here.  Send your story to happy@tailsrescue.org.

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Copper is doing GREAT!! We are so happy we adopted him. He's the best dog ever. So sweet and caring and he loves, loves, loves the snow we're getting. The Howells (posted 3/13/09) /


Michael and I have had Chevy for almost 2 months now and we couldn't love her any more. We're having fun playing with her and taking her on walks. Her nose is always at work :) Chevy will be starting obedience classes at TCOTC next Monday (2/23/09), I went last evening for orientation. Michael and I are excited to get her started as she's good at jumping up on people when we don't want her to. We started our "homework" tonight and she did really well. Chevy has definately taken a bit more to me than Michael. She gets very excited when I come home from work and it definately makes me feel loved! We also cuddle a lot when Chev decides it's time to rest. When we brought Chevy home, she had a stuffed duck and a rope. Now she has 2 ducks (that she's emptied out the stuffing and be-headed 1), 2 different ropes, a ball, a squeeky plastic bone, a small stuffed gingerbread man, a few more "outdoor" toys...she's spoiled. I have to keep myself from buying a new toy for her everytime I go to the store. We're feeding her Orijen food and she scarfs it down - she doesn't take time to breath so she walks away once or twice to cough up what gets caught in her throat. She also loves getting milk bones and marrow bones. If we need Chevy to settle down for a while, we put a marrow bone on her bed and she's content and mellow and happy for the next 30-45 minutes. Both Michael and I are so grateful for Happy Tails and Terry & Art for letting us adopt Chevy. She has brought us so much happiness and joy and we're excited to have her in our life. I hope you enjoyed this update about Chevy and we hope to keep in contact with you while we learn and grow with Chevy. Thanks again, Sarah and Michael H. (posted 2/21/09)


The boys (Cody - Ralphie and Reese - Ricky) are doing great. They are very loving and have tons of energy. They have both learned their names and come when called. They love to cuddle and boy do they love to wrestle, especially when they come in from outside. They are great with the kids and will fall asleep in their laps. Very sweet! Santa even left them a gift under the tree! They are growing fast. Cody now weighs 12.5#’s and Reese weighs 11#’s. (Posted 1/5/2009)


Here’s a run down on Kozmo (aka Cozmo) who we adopted 8/31/2007: First of all, there was Karma involved with him coming into our life. We were going to have to put our old dog to sleep because of age and illness. We decided to get another dog right away to fill the void. My daughter was looking on-line and saw an ad for a small white Lhasa mix who “licked the hand of the person washing and grooming him as if to say thank you” as it said in the ad. I told my daughter to bookmark the dog and we’d check on him. I also told her I work with a woman that is involved in animal rescue and I’d check with her also to see if she knew of any small dogs that would fit in our small house. The next day I checked Susan and she said there was one from Albert Lea named Cozmo. I went home that night and told my daughter what you had said. She said “Dad that was the dog that I was telling you about last night”. Freaky, huh? We filled out the application and were accepted. Kozmo came into our life the same day we had to put our last dog to sleep. We drove directly to the foster home in Buffalo. When he was introduced to us he went right into my wife’s arms and looked at her with a forlorn take me home look. My wife (Deb) took him to training class and he responded really well. But, the one or two times he got outside the fence he didn’t listen very well to the come here command so I suspect that’s how he hit the streets in Albert Lea. We are very cautious with him when he’s outside. He’s always in a fenced in yard or on a leash. He’s an extremely friendly, loving and gentle dog. Except when we leave the house through the front door, then he totally transforms into the incredible hulk. Barking, jumping and nipping at our butts. When he see’s back packs going on either my daughter or myself he knows we’re leaving and gets really upset. He needs a lot of one on one attention and will sit on your lap as long as you let him. He’s a beggar for table scraps and if he smells food on the counter he will jump up about three feet and once in a while he’ll grab it. You said he’s a Lhasa mix but one of these days we’re going to have a DNA test done. Thank you for helping us get him. We bring him everywhere with us and he is always a joy. My wife calls him a therapy dog. He’s good with kids and old people alike. He’s never growled at or bitten anybody. Except nipping us in the butt and barking like crazy when we leave in the morning. (Added 12/17/2008)


Dear Happy Hails, I just wanted to thank you so much for the opportunity to adopt a wonderful kitten. I have found Cairo (now Lena Lou) to be such a well behaved and friendly addition to my family. I am truly grateful that I found her and I have enjoyed every minute of watching her grow up. Thank you for your excellent services and I am definitely taking the best care of her. Please let her foster family know of my many thanks. Much Love, Julia Wold

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